Abgerny Gyatt Burger

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
2 Sessions
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Create melody mouse-all or mouse-all

Abgerny Gyatt Burgerr is a musical fast food joint where heroes from the Abgerny universe will gather to give the world their crunchy hit. It's the fanciest mod imaginable. You'll be treated to unique sounds and new images of gluttonous heroes, ready with mouths full of food, to give out their sounds. Mod is filled with burger theme and sprinkled with a pinch of great humor to lift your spirits.

Choose icons that you drag and drop onto the characters in the group. Compose tracks by combining different sounding gluttons. Choose the first vocalists and add other voices to them as well. Experiment with different combinations, boldly replacing them with another set of rhythms. Mix rhythms to make beautiful audio tracks of the most appetizing notes of fast food lovers.

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